Saturday, September 26, 2009

Fringe Fest

Female Art Collective will be part of New Albanian Brewing Company's FRINGE FEST this year.

"With New Albany's annual autumn street fair, Harvest Homecoming, little more than a week away, the NABC is hard at work preparing for the second iteration of its own - admittedly somewhat skewed - take on a civic festival, Fringe Fest 2009!

The goal of last year's inaugural Fringe Fest was "to create a cultural counterpoint to Harvest Homecoming and provide unique music, interesting exhibits, captivating films, and – most importantly – good beer. Fringe Fest embraces everything creative and original, and welcomes anything outside of the social ‘norm’”.

So it remains this year, with the added incentive of trying to maintain the creative atmosphere for a full week instead of just doing “booth days” downtown. Here's a partial view of an early draft of the schedule; expect there to be changes, and remember that all events will take place at the NABC's Bank Street Brewhouse.

Saturday, October 3:
Fringe Fest kicks off with an 'After the Parade Party', live music with Clint Ackerman and more, and NABC Progressive Pints on the Bank Street Brewhouse's north patio.

Sunday, October 4:
Bloody Mary Bar from 12:00 to 3:00, Metro Area Restaurant Employee Appreciation Night from 4:00 to 9:00, with music by Rebecca Williams, Luke Asher and more.

Monday, October 5:
The Bank Street Brewhouse is closed, of course.

Tuesday, October 6:
We were going to do a pig roast and offer 'swine flu' vaccinations, but as with most great ideas ... well, our stars have so far failed to align. Tuesday remains in the 'To Be Announced' category.

Wednesday, October 7:
Klezmer Nacht! If we can book the Klezmer guys (John’s working on it), this one’s in the book for the patio or the tent, if the tent is up.

Thursday through Saturday, October 8-10:
And for the main event, we'll be erecting the 'Big Top' in the Bank Street Brewhouse's parking lot - well, as big a top as the parking lot will hold; Chef Josh Lehman will be grilling a special fest menu in the open air; Rosa L. Stumblebus will be serving beer; there'll be live music - and perhaps other unusual entertainments - on the patio each evening; and an exhibit of local artists inside. We’ll be serving beer from noon until last call. I’m waiting for verification of grilling hours, and we’re working on the lineup of artists.

Thursday, October 8
Music by Old Man and others TBA
Beginning after dark, it’s Louisville Film Society night and a potpourri of shorts and snippets on the silver (white?) screen.

Friday, October 9
Afternoon musical acts TBA. National Hotel plays from 8:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m., followed by the Involuntary’s at 9:00 p.m. and Adventure at 10:00 p.m.

Saturday, October 10
Afternoon musical acts TBA. NABC’s own Jared Williamson will be playing from 8:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m., with J. Glenn at 9:00 p.m. and a headliner at 10:00 p.m. TBA."

New Albanian Brewing Company::

Harvest Homecoming

So those of you who have never been fortunate or brave enough to fully experience Harvest Homecoming...
You don't know what you're missing! Hundreds of food, craft, and game booths! Carny rides! Fried EVERYTHING! including funnel cakes!

Truly a Southern Indiana marvel. haha It really is so much fun, in the cheesiest never admit it to your friends sort of way. Whatever, I'm proud to love Harvest.

What is amazing is you can enjoy Harvest Homecoming, get burnt out on it, then head on over just a short distance to Fringe Fest. Or avoid Harvest all together and bee-line it to Fringe Fest. If you haven't experienced the beer list at New Albanian... I don't know what to say for you. I don't think there's anything that I could say. DO IT! DO IT ASAP! You're quality of life depends on it!

So I'm really excited, if you couldn't tell, that the Female Art Collective is going to be part of all this commotion. Last year was a blast.

Mark your calendars.

Mama Traughber (that's me) pushing through to get to Fringe Fest last year, Parker in tow, Milo in front. Yeah best worst parenting moment ever 2 year old with hand squeezed lemonade and cotton candy... 'eh oh well, Harvest Homecoming is only once a year :)

Did I mention that my good friend, Luke Asher is playing the event?

& last but not least, my husband, Ben Traughber.

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