Friday, December 4, 2009


Tomorrow night is our Mustache Bash! @ New Albanian Brewing Company (the Rich O's location)

The winner of the Mustache Contest gets a free NABC growler!

So I have my mustache planned out!

& I went looking online for some mustachesperation! These were my favorites::

Also! I picked up mustache necklaces and earrings from Lindsay Lou yesterday! They'll be at the Mustache Bash, & you'll have a chance to snag them before they're listed online!

Only Embry is working on a bunch of new mustache pieces as well!

I just picked up supplies to make new displays! We have so many new artists! and new pieces!

ALSO! I spent a few hours tonight making $4 - $15 Withering Elm Jewelry pieces for stocking stuffers and gifts for everyone who's pretty broke... which may be just about everyone.

ALSO x's two....
We just got new ruffle panties from Flapper Girl!

1 comment:

  1. That first mustache is out of control. I keep studying it trying to figure out how he did it. Mustache Magic!
