Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Aww, doesn't it feel great to be wanted?!

The Female Art Collective has over doubled in size! We're currently working with 10 more new artists that will join the FAC in the next month. Be part of our expansion!

What is the Female Art Collective?
The Female Art Collective features many talented female artists, designers, and entrepreneurs. We support local business, art, music, and non-profit groups. Our goal is to promote community and to redefine the boutique experience. We hold multiple trunk shows a month at various independent business locations throughout Louisville & Southern Indiana. These shows center around live local music, art from our boutique, and many events are focused on promoting non-profit groups.

How do I join the Female Art Collective?
The Female Art Collective is run by Mary Levinsky and Katy Traughber. We hand select artists and their works for our boutique. Artists/designers/entrepreneurs must fit with our collective. We look for motivated, free thinking, good hearted artists. We are not concerned with any prior business experience. New artists are more than welcome to be a part of our collective.
Please feel free to email us at FemaleArtCollective [!at] .com with a mini portfolio of your work containing:
~5 or more sample photos or a link to your website
~Descriptions including size, materials, pricing, etc.
~The best way to contact you

Why focus on female artists?
Mary and I (Katy) met at the Good Folk Fest one year in Louisville, KY. The conversation started with how grateful we were for the Good Folk Fest. We then continued to discuss the downfalls of being a new artist, not belonging to certain groups or cliques of artists in this area. We also were discouraged at the lack of cross promotions between local businesses, musicians, and artists.
We wanted to build up our community. We wanted to have an open door approach to new artists or veteran artists, regardless of how well built up their reputation. We were motivated to help promote worthy designers and artists based on the quality of their ideas and art alone.
There is so much to take on when it comes down the idea of “community”. Mary and I choose to attach ourselves to one problem area, the community of women.
We are feminists in the sense that we feel each woman has the right to choose where in life she wants to take herself. Each of our artists, including ourselves, come from very diverse backgrounds and lifestyles. We are blessed to have so much variety in our collective.

We work with many men including musicians, business owners, etc. We simply chose to help women feel supported in a very competitive field and to promote a sense of community in a society that encourages so many negative stereotypes of women, including feminist women.
We are redefining the boutique experience and reshaping the way people view women entrepreneurship and community.

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